“Har Ghar Tiranga campaign” in the college was celebrated with various events planned during the week which also included the 78th Independence Day celebration at Government College of Commerce and Business Administration, Sector-50, Chandigarh with great fervour and enthusiasm. The celebration started with the hoisting of the National Flag which was followed by National Anthem. On the occasion, the Principal of the College highlighted the value of freedom and the role of GCCBIANS as torchbearers for other institutions. She encouraged the students to pledge for Nasha Mukht Bharat Abhiyan on its 4th anniversary. She urged the students to sign the e-pledge and download the certificates, ensuring that they are part of the Jan Anodlan to ensure Nasha Mukt Bharat for all. She also asked the students to play an active role in creating a justifiable, secular and developed nation. Cultural performances were organized by the Cultural Committee and NSS volunteers. The programme ended with the singing of the National Anthem.
78th Independence Day celebration