Provisional M.Com-I Merit List 2024
Provisional Merit List 2024-25 (Third Counselling)
Third Counselling for B.Com-I/BBA-I/BCA-I:
Click on following for link for opting for Third Councelling in the following courses of GCCBA-50 Chd:
Instructions for students who are Willing to take admission in B.Com/ BBA/ BCA first year against the seats remained vacant after second online centralised counselling in various Government n Privately Managed Colleges :
- No new admission form will be entertained during 3rd counselling.
- A Google link for willingness to participate in 3rd counselling for admission against vacant seats in various colleges is displayed on and also on respective college websites.
- Students are required to fill the Google form upto 22nd July 2024 by 9.00 am. Seprate Google forms are required to be filled for each college and each course.
- Students who are already admitted in any of the colleges are also eligible to fill this form to change the college as per his/ her choice.
- Only those students will be eligible for admission against vacant seats who have consented / filled the Google Form.
- Admissions will be done at the respective college level strictly on the merit basis wef 22nd July 2024 onwards.