Student Notice Board

Fee Notice 06.02.25

Fee Notice 28.01.25

Fee Notice

Fee notice

Fee concession Notice

Examination fee notice

Increased examinatin fee notice 2024-25

Fee Notice for the session 2024-25

Notice regarding Students Aid Fund

Notice regarding collection of free Books and Stationery

Struckoff student notice24

Fee Notice Reminder

Struck Off students

Fee Concession 2023-24

Student No Dues notice

Urgent Notice regarding FEE

Student Fee Notice

Scholarship Notice

Pending Fee Notice 2023-24

Important Notice

Notice regarding regular classes

Notice for Student’s classes

Student Aid Fund

Admission Notice for Physical Counselling on 10.11.2022

Student Notice for 10th convocation to be held on 04.11.2022

Admission Notice for 1st year students of all the courses

Revised Datesheet for MST of BBA-I, III & V Sem

Revised Datesheet for MST of BCA-I, III & V Sem

Revised Datesheet for MST of B.Com-I, III & V Sem

Revised Datesheet for MST of M.Com-I & III Sem

Election Schedule 2022-23

Nomination Form

Convocation Notice

Admission Notice for Physical Counselling on 30.09.2022

Admission Notice for B.Com-I, II & III and M.Com-I & II

Admission Notice for 2nd Physical Counseling  of 1st year students

M.Com-I Admission Notice

M.Com-I Tentative Merit List

Scholarship Notice for all Categories

Admission Notice for Physical Counseling  of 1st year students

Notice for Classes of First year Students

Time Table 2022-23


Admission Notice for Vacant Seats in B.Com-III Semester and B.Com-III Semester students

list of eligible applicants who submitted their willingness through Google Form at College Level

Willingness Google Forms 

Admission Notice

No Dues Slip

Notice for BBA VI Semester
List of applications received for Students Aid Fund
List of Students struck off from college rolls
Notice regarding Students Aid Fund along with form
Notice regarding Free Books and Stationery for S.C/S.T students
Notice regarding Parking of Two/Three Wheelers after college hours
Clarification regarding student trip/tour
Notice regarding starting of Even Semester
Scholarship Notice
Student Feedback Performa

Notice for BBA VI Semester
Datesheet of MST for BBA-I,II, III
Datesheet of MST for B.Com-I,II,III
Datesheet of MST for B.C.A.-I, II, III
Datesheet of MST for M.Com-I,II
List of applications received for Students Aid Fund
Date sheet of B.B.A-II, IV VI sem MST
Date sheet of M.Com-II & IV sem MST
Date sheet of BCA-II, IV VI sem MST
Date sheet of B.Com-II, IV VI sem MST
List of Students struck off from college rolls
Reminder regarding submission of Fee
Reminder regarding submission of 2nd Installment Fee
Notice regarding Students Aid Fund along with form
Notice regarding Free Books and Stationery for S.C/S.T students
Notice regarding Parking of Two/Three Wheelers after college hours
Clarification regarding student trip/tour
Notice regarding starting of Even Semester
Scholarship Notice
Panjab University Final Exam Date Sheet
Student Feedback Performa

Notice Regarding Fee

Scholarship Notice

Notice regarding Student Aid Fund

Reservation of Seats

Syllabus of B. Com for 2020-21

Syllabus of B.B.A for 2020-21

Syllabus of B.C.A for 2021-22

Syllabus of M.Com for 2021-22