The sportspersons and NSS units of the Government College of Commerce and Business Administration Sector 50, Chandigarh, organized sports events on the occasion of National Sports Day. This initiative was conceived by the Principal of the College, Dr. Sangam Kapoor. The event began with an opening ceremony that included a pledge by the NSS volunteers; after that, a seminar on physical fitness was organized. The resource person on the occasion was Prof. (Dr.) Gurmeet Singh, Chairperson, Mulana Abul Kalam Chair and former Director of the Department of Physical Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh. He was greeted by the Principal of the College, Dr. Sangam Kapoor, and other staff members. He shared very important points through his presentation regarding the importance of sports for a human being and the role of a healthy diet. After the lecture, he interacted with the audience and answered their queries. He flagged off a rally. A tug-of-war competition was organized after the rally by the NSS units of GCCBA-50. The NSS volunteers and participants were divided into two teams. Everyone enjoyed this tug-of-war competition. In addition to this, other sporting activities were also conducted. The NSS Sports Day Celebration proved to be a great success in promoting physical activity, teamwork, and a sense of sportsmanship. The event not
only provided a platform for healthy competition but also strengthened the bonds between NSS volunteers and other participants. The central highlight of the event was to promote physical fitness and team spirit among the NSS volunteers and participants. There were nearly 70 volunteers who participated in the celebrations.